Stock Index Options

Are you generating your desired profit from your stock index options? Some financial data suggests that more than half of these contracts expire with no profit to the buyer. At Optioneer Trading, we teach investors how to manage their portfolios while managing market risk and to aim for higher profits.

Our methodology is highly refined, but it works with a web-based system to allow traders to have personal control over their investments. The general premise of our system is to sell stock index options that have a strike price outside of the expected market value. When the contract expires, this means that the entire premium will be retained by the seller, as the option usually has no financial value to the buyer.

Manage the Risk of Stock Index Options

Our methodology teaches how to manage market risk several ways, including:

  • Buying stock index options at values above and below the sale prices
  • Holding both calls and puts
  • Using discipline when making trades

Our proprietary algorithm, software and methodology are taught in two training courses. The material contains enough history and background to make it suitable for entry-level investors or those who have no experience with stock index options. Once the system has been mastered, many people are able to set their daily market orders in as little as five minutes. To find out more, please contact us by email or telephone at 800-845-2502.