Options Trading Program

Over the years, Optioneer has developed and refined a web-based options trading program that helps investors make the most of their finances. Such a system is essential, as recent economic studies indicate that many options contracts end with no profit to the seller. Our system is easy to learn and understand, but it's also very quick and powerful.

The Optioneer methodology breaks down into two components: the online trading program and the methodology behind it. The strategy can be taught in two classes and is accessible enough for a beginning investor. However, seasoned market veterans will learn something new too. The core theory of our trading platform involves selling options that have strike prices well outside anticipated market values.

Use Our Options Trading Program for Just Minutes Each Day

We teach investors to use our trading program to sell options that are above and below current market value. This system allows for easy management of the risk associated with selling options. Once the method has been practiced with one of our mentors, an entire portfolio can be managed with a commitment of just a few minutes each day.

Our program gives investors more involvement during the financial day. While the system sounds simple, it still allows a portfolio to manage risk in a declining or advancing market. To find out more about our methodology, training and trading program, please contact us by telephone at 800-845-2502 or send us an email.