Options Trading Classes

Our options trading classes teach investors how to manage their risk and increase potential profits. Some courses are too heavy on economic theory and offer little practical advice for daily portfolio management. At Optioneer Trading, our classes are designed to teach the basics of options and how to apply our refined methodology.

We offer two classes on options trading. For the beginning investor, topics include general information on the sale and holding of options. Topics also focus on learning and applying our methodology for everyday management. The goal of the courses is to educate the investor on accessing profits while managing risk.

Learn Our System During Options Trading Classes

The Optioneer methodology uses the premise of selling calls and puts that have strike prices beyond the anticipated market value. These holdings have an unlimited risk, so they must be properly managed in order to turn a profit. We teach investors how to read the probability and value-risk factors that are generated by our proprietary-software algorithm. Once the system is understood, accounts can be managed in as little as five minutes each day.

Our trading classes teach when and where to sell calls and puts. The basic idea is that sell and buy orders should be executed at strike prices that are way out-of-the-money. This strategy helps control the risk of serious market fluctuations. To find out more about our options trading classes and our web-based platform, please contact us by telephone at 800-845-2502 or email.